Forskellige bambusmøbler
Bamboo furniture is our latest product. Our collection includes coffee tables, low cabinets, bookcases, bookshelves, end tables, and folding tables. All bamboo furniture with a lacquer coating is made from our bamboo plywood.
Tilgængelige strukturer
With advanced equipment and well-designed apartments, PLANKBOO manufactures various structures to meet your project needs. To fulfill sustainable requirements, approximately 90% of our bamboo furniture is made from 100% solid bamboo.
Solid lodret
Solid vandret
Solid Strand Vævet
Lodret lamineret
Vandret lamineret
Strandvævet lamineret
Farver & Korn
To preserve its natural beauty, we apply a tough UV-cured, water-based polyurethane coating that can reach E0 & E1 standards. Slight differences in bamboo shades and grains show that our furniture has been crafted from solid bamboo. If standard colors or sizes don’t meet your needs, our team will work closely with you to design and manufacture a unique solution.
Plankboo offers customized colors and grains for its bamboo furniture. In addition to natural colors, we achieve our carbonized bamboo color through a process of heat and pressure. Below are the basic grains available in both natural and carbonized colors:
Bambus møbler funktioner
- Bæredygtig og grøn ressource
Bruger 4-6 års moden bambus til at fremstille opløftende bordplader, der har gode stabile, stærke og holdbare fysiske egenskaber. FSC-certificering er tilgængelig.
- Lav emission
Med den bedste øko vandlakerede belægning kan nå E0/E1. Vores bambusmøbler er lave VOC'er, der er sunde at anvende på kontorer og hjem.
- Holdbar & hård
Bamboo is sturdy and tough, so it does not break or scratch easily. The lacquered coating finish makes the furniture harder and waterproof. It’s also easy to clean.
- Alsidigt design
Med professionelle håndværkere og avanceret udstyr kan vi fremstille forskellige bambusmøbler til hjem og kontorer. Vi kan også fremstille sofaer, stole med bambuspaneler og andre materialer som stof, stål osv.
- Skræddersyet service
Ikke kun kan designe møbelstilene, du kan også tilpasse farverne. Vi leverer ODM & OEM-tjenester.
Pakning og pålæsning
1 eller 2 STK/ÆSKE, protected by pearl cotton and cardboard around the furniture parts, meets ISTA-3A standard.
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